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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anyone care to try some P_ SSY?? Anyone?

Okay, so while browsing on this person's blog, I ran across some , well, P*ssy you might be interested in trying..HILARIOUS!! AHAHAHA!! I had to look it up for more information and sure enough it's a European drink *go figure* made in ENGLAND!! 

*Marketing at its best*

Check out the details below..........
 Pussy is a 100% natural drink. No nasty chemicals and nothing manufactured. It is made for people looking for a natural alternative.
The name Pussy shocks and demands attention - that's the point. Inhibition is a recipe for mediocrity. This is a premium energy drink named with confidence.
Pussy believes in natural energy - because it's better for you. Click here if you want to buy a case of pussy.