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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hmmm I Wonder.....

Well, it was back to work for me today. Oh my goodness, it was tough this morning to get out the bed after two weeks of staying up late and laying in bed all day. Where did the time go? Argh!!

Anyway, today while on the train, I realized that many Japanese people rarely have a smile on their face or even look happy. Why is that, I wonder? Maybe because it's so early in the morning, but wait, they don't smile in the evening either. I wonder if it's because most of them don't have anything to be happy about? I wonder if it's because some of them don't have god in their life? I don't know!! It's really strange though.

I do know this much, I thank GOD for who I am and what I have. And YES my friends, that alone is enough to keep me smiling EVERYDAY!