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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!

This past weekend, I was convinced to go out on the town with my friends. So, I ended up in Shinjuku and Roppongi for the night!

First, we started our loooonnnnnnggg night out in Shinjuku (one of Japan's busiest prefectures) on the rooftop of an eighth floor building. Man, wasn't it nice!! Once we made it to the top floor, there were several restaurants aligning the rooftop of this building. The sight was spectacular. There were tons of restaurants to choose from such as; Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, and Malaysian restaurants. All of this while the moon sat right above us as we ate and listened to music.

Several Umeshu's later, we left and went to Roppongi to party the night away. I didn't get home until after 7:00 the next morning. Whew!! What a night!! (Umeshu is a Japanese drink made from unriped plums. It's sooo good! It has a sweet and sour taste.

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