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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!
First, we started our loooonnnnnnggg night out in Shinjuku (one of Japan's busiest prefectures) on the rooftop of an eighth floor building. Man, wasn't it nice!! Once we made it to the top floor, there were several restaurants aligning the rooftop of this building. The sight was spectacular. There were tons of restaurants to choose from such as; Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, and Malaysian restaurants. All of this while the moon sat right above us as we ate and listened to music.
Several Umeshu's later, we left and went to Roppongi to party the night away. I didn't get home until after 7:00 the next morning. Whew!! What a night!! (Umeshu is a Japanese drink made from unriped plums. It's sooo good! It has a sweet and sour taste.
My New Fixation....Japanese Manicures
Since I have been here in Japan, I have really become fascinated with how they do their nails (its not like how they do it in the States). Here in Japan, rather than just using nail polish, they also use nail stickers. Nail stickers and nail artwork are very popular here in Tokyo. I have seen some really cute nails and some "what were you thinking nails".
Now, with all of that being said, many of my co-workers are taking classes on how to do nails and one of them has promised to do mine. Woo Hoo!!! So, within the next month or so I will be posting pics of my nails, but for right now here are a few pics of my co-worker's nails and other randoms. LOVES IT!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Mr. ExtraorDANary @ Starbucks!
Well, it turned out, he was teaching a Japanese lady how to pronounce certain words in English. Anyway, as you may already know, I am a major stickler when it comes to the pronunciation and enunciation of words.
So, while I was diligently doing some work and sipping on my nice hot cup of "Brazilian" blend coffee, I overheard the guy explaining how to pronounce the word "Extraordinary" but the wrong way!! A little disturbed and wanting to correct him, I had to bite my tongue and say "KMD, let the man do his thing." He told the lady to pronounce the word as {Ex-tra-or- DAN- nary} instead of {Ex-tra-or-DIN-nary}. I know!! I know!! No Big Deal Right??
Well, this made me think about how many foreigners come to the U.S. not knowing how to speak English correctly and this is the very reason WHY!!! I mean it's just like one of my co-workers, teaching the kids that the letters "Th" together at the end of a word makes a "F" sound. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? See, it's these sort of things that just bug the crap out of me. Geeez!! Come on Native English speakers, lets get it together!! For real!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hmmm I Wonder.....
Anyway, today while on the train, I realized that many Japanese people rarely have a smile on their face or even look happy. Why is that, I wonder? Maybe because it's so early in the morning, but wait, they don't smile in the evening either. I wonder if it's because most of them don't have anything to be happy about? I wonder if it's because some of them don't have god in their life? I don't know!! It's really strange though.
I do know this much, I thank GOD for who I am and what I have. And YES my friends, that alone is enough to keep me smiling EVERYDAY!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Five Starrs
All White Affair
Me and the girls leaving out right before the party |
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The 4th of July
Well, eventually as the day progressed, I cheered up. Originally, Alex and I were suppose to go over his friend's house to celebrate, but we changed our minds. We decided to BBQ here at the house. YIPPEE!! However, we didn't have all that we needed to do a BBQ, so we stopped off at "Joyful Honda" ( basically a two story Super Walmart) for groceries.
Sushi anyone??
In Japanese grocery stores, they always have food neatly prepared for you to grab and go for lunch or dinner. Some things look tasty while others look questionable.
Alex looking at the seafood. This man cuts and scales the fresh fish for you. It's actually pretty interesting to watch. Mmmm........No fish today!! We gotta get some chicken in our lives!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
As Promised!
This is the one that said I look like Beyonce lol.
Me?? Go Where?? Are You Serious?? Oh Geez!!
Anyway, I am typing this post before I leave out today. My boss has been trying to do something with me and a few other co-workers and Alex for the last week and a half, so I finally gave in and said "okay". WHO TOLD ME TO SAY OKAY??
At 7:30 tonight, I am going out to eat in Tachikawa and later to an Okama Bar (An okama bar is one where the staff are predominantly male, cross dressing homosexuals) to see a drag show called Amon !! ARE YOU SERIOUS?? WOW!!! I will leave you with that much! WOOO HOOO!! This shall be interesting and fun!!
PICS COMING SOON! Click here to see site